Monday, September 21, 2009

First day of Titus

Well what a long day we found ourselves in today! Today was the first day of all the base schools and to start it all off we gathered together as a whole base to greet one another, worship and fellowship through eating. Worship was amazing and made all the stress of fund-raising seem to melt away. It was a time to let go of all the worries and to just praise him for what he has done and for what he will do among us and through us.
We still have approx. $2100 to raise before we go to Nepal but we know that he will provide everything we need through whatever means necessary. The finances coupled with my little (by little I mean huge) fear of teaching has had me in a frenzy for at least a month now. However, today for the first time I have been able to breathe freely knowing that there is no way I can do this on my own. Weird I know but realizing that my fears and trepidations make his faithfulness stand out so much more clearly when he comes through, which he always does. I love Him!
Class was good, we heard a lecture on the heart of a teacher, learned the history and passion of Titus, prayed for each other and got a quick overview of what to expect.
If you have read my previous blog you will see that I needed to see the doctor about some thyroid issues. This I was able to do today, they are running some tests to see what it is so your continued prayers would be appreciated. One of the things I had forgotten about Montana is that everyone is so friendly and welcoming. All the nurses were so nice, wanting to know what we did and where we were going. One of them, Paula, was an universalist (the belief that all roads lead to heaven) but considers herself a Christian. She was super nice and we talked about it for a little and she gave us her e-mail so that we could update her with our outreach! I would encourage you to pray for her as you read this.

With love,

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