Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day three, four and five

As I write this I am trying to hurry as we are in class right now, don't worry, we are on break.
How can I describe how busy this week has been? It's like trying to prepare for a dinner for 25 in two hours, it might be possible, but you feel like you are trying to accomplish the impossible.
We have had lectures everyday, we are reading two books simultaneously, going through three booklets on teaching, journal-ing and preparing our teaching of the inductive method which was supposed to be 45 minutes long. Needless to say we have a lot on our plates right now. :) We have been lucky enough to have our staff plan a trip to a ranch this weekend! They want to make sure that through all the stuff we have going on during the week that we have time to relax, even though it is recommended that we bring our books to read.

Ahhhh! It's Friday and we have successfully completed our first teaching! Both of us did a great job apparently, but I have a few minor things to improve upon before I am perfect. ;) But it is nice to know that the potential is there.

There are eight people on our team including us, one other married couple, one guy, two girls and our leader Kerry. The details are still in the process of being worked out but we should know shortly where we are going, and what we will be teaching.

With love,

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