Monday, November 2, 2009


Hey all!
Below in brown is the update that we sent out, if you didn't get the e-mail please send us you e-mail address so that you can get it for the next time.
So I just wanted to give you all an update with what we have been doing for the past 1 1/2 months and what we will be doing in the future. The training time went incredibly fast and it was very sad the day we had to go, I know that I will see you guys again but for our Titus family we may never see some of them ever again. :( The training time was good and it gave me some confidence to teach even if I did not want to. God was working on my heart to be a teacher, not just to teach, if that makes sense, but I was still fighting Him on that one. :) The day after we got here in our team meeting I told everyone that I didn't want to be here and that I didn't want to be a teacher, but that God wanted me to stop doing what He called me to in action only, in essence I was being a Jew (yes so funny Marci, I actually realized the other day that I am not just a Bible nerd, but that I am a Bible geek too. A geek, as defined by Angelica, is someone who is technologically smart while a nerd is book smart... I digress). So they all prayed for me and that day I taught in the Bible college, it was scary but it was alright. The next day I taught again and so did Jeff, I was starting to like our class and the third day while I wasn't supposed to teach I was still going to go and evaluate the other teachers that were there from day one with me (Jeff and Jason, he's Canadian).Well, I got sick, and couldn't speak, we were going to the temple to see what their worship was like and I still went even though I thought it would be better to die since my head was super painful. It was impact-ful, and I stubbornly went to class anyway. It was great! After class Jeff and Jason stayed to play "football" (soccer) with the boys from class and me and Estela, also from class, went to watch, we had some great time of talking and getting to know each other. The next day at 6am we left to go to Pokhara with Jenn and Micah, the other married couple in our team. Jenn taught Mark in the SBS and Jeff taught Hebrews in between I led a Bible study for a local church. Then we went to Tarakset to teach the new believers in this village. We gave a three day seminar with beginner topics like Character of God, Repentance and forgiveness, Discipleship, Worship and Quiet times. They were amazing and so thankful to us. This is where we got our first taste of spicy dried goat meat, eating cooked sweet potatoes for snack and "first milk" which is basically your worst nightmare in food form. It is actually a delicacy and it is basically milk that has been boiled down to the "curds?" its like dried out cottage cheese that is bigger and tastes smokey and when you chew it, it squeaks in your mouth and if you try to swallow it whole it squeaks in your throat. They call it first milk because after a water buffalo has a baby (oh yeah, its water buffalo milk) they milk it before the baby has drank any, hence the first milk. Today we came back to Kathmandu, where we started out from, and we are waiting for the rest of our team to come back from the villages they have been teaching at. Our team is of 8 people which is like 4-6 people more than usual so we split up into two different teams. That is what we have been doing, and coming to the close of our third week in Nepal I find that God has given me a heart for these people, some of it may be the fact that everyone here thinks I am Nepali, or that I am considered to be tall here ;) but I have loved being here with these people and they have definitely found a way into my heart. Also I have really been putting my heart into my teachings since God confronted me about not aligning it with my actions and I have actually enjoyed teaching!:) God is always good. Up next we leave for Jiri to do more seminars, one team will stay in Jiri and the other will travel, on foot, to other villages and hold seminars, probably on Bible overview, we are there for two weeks. After that one team will go to Elim to teach in the DTS there and two people will go to Pokhara, one to teach Revelation to SBS and the other will teach in the DTS there and possibly two others will go to Darjeeling to teach the refugees. We're not sure how the teams will split up yet, but whenever

we have internet I will try to update you all.
Here are some pictures!
The market Kathmandu from the rooftops

The "holy" river

Cremation for the poor

Rich cremation
Sorry this is all its letting me upload. :(

*DTS (Discipleship Training School, this is the first school that YWAM has everyone who wants to partner with them do, we did ours in England in 2007) SBS (School of Biblical Studies, this is the nine month program Jeff and I did last year where we learned how to study the Bible inductively and went through the whole Bible as well.) Titus (This is the "school" we are currently on, this takes SBS's and sends them to third world countries to teach the Bible to pastors, leaders and basically anyone who wants to learn) YWAM calls all of their programs, outreaches and training schools.

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